Toen Swift geïntroduceerd werd, heeft hij de programmeertaal al snel ook op zijn school ingevoerd. These are the educators who are looking to change the world. In the feature Apple states : Dr. Carl Owens has been teaching his students how to harness the power of technology for 40 years, including more than half as an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE). “I get excited seeking ways to allow students access to all the same wonders that exist for everyone. Students use iPad to move Sphero and Ollie robots, dipped in paint, to create their masterpieces. ADEs provide inspiration for projects and share real lessons examples for all teachers to use. Nancy believes in the importance of sharing her learning journey as an educator. Although the write-up for my application is far better captured on the Torch AR blog, I wanted to at least embed the video here for easier sharing. Hij gebruikt de feature Magisch verplaatsen in Keynote om animaties te maken waarmee de leerlingen natuurkundige concepten zoals versnelling, snelheid en traagheid kunnen visualiseren. “Each opportunity to share is an opportunity to learn — and to bring ideas back to my own school board, colleagues and students.” So, she shares her expertise in ongoing conversations, support, and sharing of all things accessibility related on Twitter, and by speaking at various Canadian and US conferences about accessibility and her work to empower every student. More Episodes. Together, Lamar University and Apple provide a pathway for you to get post-graduate academic credit for your Apple Distinguished Educator Institute participation. Applications are now open for the 2017 class. 2021 Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) program 2019 for Teachers around the world. Simon has published over 35 books on Apple Books in an effort to help other teachers use technology in a meaningful way. My Apple Distinguished Educator Video Application. And, he works closely with teachers across all subject areas to integrate iPad and the extensive range of educational apps into their classroom practice. Lisa Peel, Head of Learning Resources and Apple Distinguished Educator . Ze gebruiken apps als Keynote, Clips, GarageBand en iMovie om projecten uit het lesprogramma ‘Iedereen kan programmeren’ te maken. She has also authored a number of books to share her technology journey with other educators. ADEs provide best practices and leadership in education through published lessons, podcasts, books, and more. Four Options for Credit for Apple Distinguished Educators. Ze gebruiken Keynote om een logo te ontwerpen dat hun persoonlijkheid weergeeft, en Magisch verplaatsen om het tot leven te brengen. Applying to be an ADE requires the creation and submission of an original 2-minute video documenting your current work. Ben verwacht van zijn leerlingen dat zij werk op het hoogste niveau leveren. The application of technology in all areas of our educational and operational programs allowed SHMS to adapt quickly and seamlessly to the changing environment of moving solely to virtual and online delivery. The Apple Distinguished School program is by invitation only for schools that meet the current program qualifications. Met iPad combineert Alfredo het lezen en schrijven van code met persoonlijk onderwijs in zijn lessen over digitale innovatie. “Ze delen meer lesideeën dan ooit tevoren, en ze hebben echt het gevoel dat ze iets gepresteerd hebben”, vertelt Nikole. Nikole zet zich in om haar leerkrachten de mogelijkheid te bieden inzichten over educatieve processen onder de loep te nemen en te bespreken, nieuwe technologieën te onderzoeken en delen, en te experimenteren met nieuwe informatiebronnen. “Whatever you produce, make sure it is high-quality,” Ben tells his students as well as his professional learning peers. I have worked with a few ADE's and I found them to be very refreshing and intelligent. As a school implementing a 1:1 iPad programme, we wanted to have our students invest in applications that could be used across a number of subjects. Dit jaar kan hij met zijn lessen over digitaal vertellen nog meer gebruikmaken van de creatieve mogelijkheden met iPad. These are the educators who are looking to … De leerlingen gebruiken iPad om in verf gedoopte Sphero Ollie-robots te bewegen en zo meesterwerken te maken. Haar favoriete Apple Teacher-informatiebronnen zijn de handleidingen ‘Enhancing Productivity’ en ‘Fostering Creativity’, aangezien die nauw aansluiten op de doelen die ze zelf heeft gesteld voor haar leerkrachten. Monica Burns is an EdTech & Curriculum Consultant and Apple Distinguished Educator. ADEs work together to develop and promote powerful ideas for improving teaching and learning worldwide. Hij begint zo vroeg mogelijk met het helpen van jonge leerlingen bij de overstap van programmeren in blokken naar het schrijven van echte code. If you’re ready to help raise the bar for what’s possible with teaching and learning with Apple, learn more about future applications in participating countries. He uses the Magic Move feature in Keynote to create animations that help students visualize concepts in physics like acceleration, velocity, and inertia. ADE’s delen hun ervaring met het inzetten van technologie om leerlingen op een nieuwe manier te inspireren. Episode Website. Apple Distinguished School Recognition. Wil jij de lat ook hoger leggen en de mogelijkheden die Apple voor het onderwijs biedt optimaal benutten? This is my application video for the Apple Distinguished Educator class of 2013. Apple Distinguished Educators. In 1994, Apple created the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) program to recognize K–12 and higher-education pioneers who are using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning. If you would like to be notified about future applications, sign in with a valid Apple ID below. A video in preparation for the Apple Distinguished Educator Designation. Creating animated captions with the Live Titles feature in Clips is a tool she uses for creating task analysis, step by step processes, or even describing life skills. Apple Distinguished Educator listed as ADE. Many of her students enjoy using GarageBand which gives them an opportunity to make choices and create something beautiful using switch access. Looking for abbreviations of ADE? Nancy vindt het belangrijk haar leertraject als onderwijzer met anderen te delen. No team or group applications will be considered. Apple Distinguished Educator Application Process. Nikole organiseert zomercursussen en heeft haar leerkrachten kennis laten maken met Apple Teacher, het professionele onderwijsprogramma van Apple. Just having iPads is not enough (though using them in your application video, however, couldn’t hurt. Apple Distinguished Educators. Project Lead the Way. Apple Distinguished Educator 2015 Application: Aviva Landie Colegio Israelita de México ORT. Visit my youtube channel to see what my students are up to! Applications for becoming an ADE are open every two years. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Apple Distinguished Educator program, Apple is highlighting the work of Dr. Carl Owens, a long-time participant in the program. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2020 Google LLC It is Apple Distinguished Educator. This is a 2minute movie I had to create for my 2011 Apple Distinguished Educator Application. The logo becomes the cover for a digital portfolio students complete throughout the course. “They are sharing teaching ideas more than ever before, and they feel a real sense of accomplishment,” says Nikole. Applications for the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) Class of 2019 have closed. Avoid cluttering … Music, as I am now able to teach it via the supports that technology offers, provides a safe, enjoyable environment for the learning and application of these invaluable life skills. Bovendien werkt hij samen met de leerkrachten voor alle andere vakken bij het integreren van iPad en de uitgebreide verzameling educatieve apps in de lessen. Each applicant must submit an individual application. Apple today celebrated the 25th anniversary of its Apple Distinguished Educator program by sharing a profile of Tennessee Tech University professor … They also use Apple tools in a variety of learning environments in innovative and exciting ways. If you aren’t trying new things in your classroom you shouldn’t bother. Ontdek activiteiten, materialen en verhalen uit de praktijk. De uiteindelijke kunstwerken zijn indrukwekkend – en geven de leerlingen het gevoel dat ze goed werk hebben verricht, wat het zelfvertrouwen vergroot. Apple Teacher is een gratis professioneel onderwijsprogramma dat ontwikkeld is om leerkrachten te ondersteunen bij het gebruik van Apple producten voor lesgeven en leren. Discover great learning resources and learn new skills to become an Apple Teacher. Today our global community of educational leaders models the ongoing pathway for professional learning through the desire to connect with peers around the world. Ze heeft ook een aantal boeken geschreven om met andere leerkrachten te delen wat ze heeft geleerd over technologie. Mere resolution can not contain me so here is the Full HD version (you may need to choose 1080p HD from the settings in the YouTube player) ADE’s zijn gespecialiseerd in de integratie van technologie in leeromgevingen, en werken nauw samen met Apple om innovatie binnen het onderwijs te stimuleren. Als technisch coördinator coacht Alfredo zijn personeel bij het gebruik van het volledige scala aan Apple producten en software. They have applications for different regions at various points during the year. ADEs are experts on the realities of integrating technology into learning environments, and they work closely with Apple to foster innovation in education. 8th Grade United States History. Follow Adam on Twitter to learn more about his work with education technology. Met deze oefening worden de leerlingen uitgedaagd een groot onderwerp tot de essentie terug te brengen. Alfredo geeft al meer dan 15 jaar programmeerles aan het Centro Escolar del Lago. We’ll be back. 2021 Listen on Apple Podcasts. These are the educators who are looking to change the world. ADE’s delen inspirerende ideeën voor projecten en voorbeeldlessen die iedere docent kan gebruiken. If you aren’t trying new things in your classroom you shouldn’t bother. “It gives students the opportunity to have a personalized learning journey that is packed with creative opportunities.”. Google Teacher Academy Vs Apple Distinguished Educator Program. Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Application Several weeks ago news came through that Apple were holding their next round of applications to become a Distinguished Educator. Hij organiseert regelmatig cursussen over Augmented Reality (AR), filmen met mobiele devices, iPad in het onderwijs en creativiteit in de klas. Alfredo knows his students are successful when they’ve developed the skills to create content that positively impacts their own lives, their school, or community. Hij gebruikt iPad om zijn leerlingen op een persoonlijke manier onderwijs te bieden via kunst. To help young students overcome the challenge of transitioning block-based coding to text, he starts as early as possible. “Met iPad kan ik een onderwijsprogramma opzetten dat boeiend en relevant is, en dat elke leerling de kans geeft zich te uiten”, vertelt Simon. The process involves a detailed, written… Zijn leerlingen hebben inmiddels al meer dan vijftig apps ontwikkeld voor diverse doeleinden – zoals gezondheid, veiligheid, wiskunde en aardrijkskunde – en hebben prijzen gewonnen bij nationale programmeer- en robotica-wedstrijden. As part of my application for the Apple Distinguished Educator program I had to upload a two minute video. As the Director of Technology for the Dunham School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Nikole Blanchard has been instrumental in the deployment of a one-to-one MacBook program from 1st grade to 12th, including an iPad for every pre-K and kindergarten student. It is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with like … “De iPad biedt mijn leerlingen zo veel mogelijkheden”, vertelt Takahiro. ADE’s maken en delen regelmatig digitale boeken die zijn gemaakt met Pages. Recognition is for three years, with the opportunity to renew during each invitation period. With so many edtech professional development opportunities available for innovative educators, it can be hard to distinguish which one is right for you, the qualifications necessary, and how to apply. Volg ADE’s van over de hele wereld en bekijk hun creatieve projecten, video’s en ideeën voor lessen. March 2, 2015 March 2, 2015 / Mobile Matthews. Have you heard about Edpuzzle? Nikole focuses her time on empowering her teachers to continuously review and discuss educational philosophies, explore and share emerging technologies, and experiment with new resources. The invitation process begins with an application request from school leadership. So, much of our time is dedicated to adopting programming themes in different subjects and real world scenarios.”. In 1994, Apple created the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) programme to recognise primary, secondary and higher education pioneers who are using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning. Do your research Hij integreert kunst en creativiteit op een enthousiaste manier in zijn lessen. They are usually willing to look at the pros/con's of different decisions. Kind of like Big Brother, with iPads, and brains. This year, his Digital Storytelling class is giving him the freedom to take creativity with iPad even further. Met behulp van video, GarageBand, Keynote-animaties en een groot aanbod aan interactief materiaal op iPad gaan de leerlingen nu zelf actief aan de slag met het creëren van content. For example, for my application I used my Mac, I took photos on my iPhone and I wrote a theme tune using GarageBand to go in the background. “Our school is dedicated to trying new learning methods that will have the greatest impact on the lives of our students. Associate Professor Theresa Cullen earned the title of Apple Distinguished Educator in 2015. This is "My successful Apple Distinguished Educator application video, ADE Institute, Amsterdam, July 2015" by Prof. ssa Tiziana Saponaro on Vimeo, the… Apple reviews all requests to ensure that schools meet the current program qualifications. ). Ben’s students are expected to deliver high-quality, world-class work, so he’s constantly looking for opportunities to combine the arts and sciences in a way that engages them and brings more meaning to the work they produce. Het zijn pioniers van over de hele wereld, die andere leerkrachten laten zien hoe ze met iPad en Mac onderwijs kunnen afstemmen op de individuele behoeften van iedere leerling. Een van zijn activiteiten is het Logo-project, waarin de leerlingen hun eigen merk opzetten. A video in preparation for the Apple Distinguished Educator Designation. Takahiro gebruikt iPad nu om lessen en ervaringen voor de leerlingen te ontwikkelen die snel en gemakkelijk aan specifieke behoeften kunnen worden aangepast, zodat alle leerlingen unieke – en meetbare – paden naar succes kunnen ontdekken. Apple Distinguished Educator Application posted Dec 21, 2009, 8:18 AM by Gerard Dutton [ updated Dec 30, 2009, 5:37 AM] I am in the process of completing an application to become an Apple Distinguished Educator. Here’s my video component: Good luck to all applicants. Simon has always made it his mission to share what he is doing in the classroom, to give the students’ work a platform and ensure that other children and teachers will benefit from the ideas and the successes he has had. Ben also uses Apple TV and apps like Notability to move around the room and better interact with students. For over 25 years Alfredo Mora has shared his passion for technology with staff and students at the Centro Escolar del Lago school in Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico. In August 2014, we gave each of our middle school students a MacBook Air. I got rejected to my surprise so I wanted to share my video with you. Maar hij haalt er vooral veel voldoening uit om leerlingen te leren programmeren met Swift, en ze te laten zien hoe dat toepasbaar is in de echte wereld. Apple Distinguished Educator's Blog. Per the Apple website, Apple Distinguished Schools are centers of excellence that demonstrate Apple’s vision for learning with technology — and we believe they are some of the most innovative schools in the world. Known as ADEs, Apple Distinguished Educators are a group of educators from around the world. Ben gebruikt ook Apple TV en apps als Notability zodat hij kan rondlopen in de klas en er meer interactie met de leerlingen is. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. Apple Distinguished Educator application video. “Hoe kunnen ze zichzelf, als complexe individuen, samenvatten tot iets dat ze kunnen laten zien?” vraagt Ben. Follow ADEs from around the world to see their creative projects, videos, and lesson ideas. ADEs are part of a global community of education leaders recognised for doing amazing things with Apple technology in and out of the classroom. Create . They are active leaders from around the world helping other educators rethink what’s possible with iPad and Mac to make learning deeply personal for every student. ... by inspiring them to take the first step in furthering their own understanding of becoming a networked educator. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. That includes working with… Level 3 classroom teacher stage 2. As an art and life skills teacher at the Kumagaya Special Needs School in Saitama, Japan, Takahiro Uchida has found a unique opportunity to share his passion for art and creative expression. These are the educators who are looking to change the world. Let your ADE experience take you further. and Apple said yes!! March 24, 2015 blevinsrm. With a degree in art education, Takahiro is also excited about giving his students new ways to communicate and share. Het logo wordt gebruikt op het omslag voor een digitale portfolio die de leerlingen tijdens de lessen maken. Apple is looking for innovative educators. Become an Apple Distinguished Educator. The Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) program is a relationship program focused on educational excellence and leadership. To download and subscribe to Learning Snapshots by Apple Distinguished Educators, get iTunes now. It’s official. Apple has today published a new feature celebrating its Apple Distinguished Educator program, including a look at the life of 20 year member Dr. Carl Owens. In 1994 heeft Apple het ADE-programma (Apple Distinguished Educators) opgezet. Apple Distinguished Educator 2019 Rap Up Ed-Tech Wrap Up 2018/19 Apple Distinguished Educator Podcast Features. ADEs regularly create and share digital books created with Pages. “What makes you stand out is when you are willing or able to do what other people are not willing or able to do.”. I have dreamed of becoming an Apple Distinguished Educator for several years. “Na het lezen van de praktijkvoorbeelden uit de Apple Teacher-basishandleidingen zijn onze leerkrachten anders gaan denken over hun benadering van het lesgeven en leren.”. Applications are now open for the 2017 class. My Apple Distinguished Educator Video Application. Takahiro heeft een masteropleiding Kunsteducatie gevolgd en is enthousiast over de nieuwe manieren van communiceren en delen die hij zijn leerlingen kan bieden. ADE - Apple Distinguished Educator. The final artwork impresses everyone — and gives the students pride in a job well done, and in themselves. This is the video I submitted to ADE Application in Turkey. One of his favorite activities is the Logo project, where students create their own personal brand. 21st century skills, creative, innovative, amazing, transformational. Ze gelooft in het werken vanuit de sterke punten van leerlingen, zonder zich te richten op de gebreken waarmee de kinderen te maken hebben. He is passionate about infusing art and creativity into the classes he teaches. I had become fairly adept after a few years and in 2009, despite what I now view as a rather pathetic application video, I was accepted as part of the Apple Distinguished Educator Program. iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection. Whatever you produce, make sure it is an application to become an Apple Distinguished Educator class 2013! Into learning environments, and creativity in the importance of sharing her learning journey an... Ooit tevoren, en hij helpt het schoolpersoneel bij het gebruik van Apple producten voor lesgeven leren... 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