The total digestible nutrient ranges from 55-58%. Water requirements for super Napier CO (BN) 5 ( Napier CO5 ) grass and other Napier hybrids is about 800 to 1000 mm. It’s best to make ridges across a slope with spacing of 60 cm wide, and ridges at the height of 25 cm. Cultivation of Lentil ( Massor ); Lens culinaris, Cultivation of Brussels Sprouts in India ; A Full Information Guide, Cultivation of Sprouting Broccoli in India ; A Full Informational Guide, Cultivation of Muskmelon in India ; A full informational Guide. Hybrid Napier is a perennial grass which can be retained on field for 2-3 years. is a perennial grass that provides and palatable green fodder year-round it is also as Uganda grass. Muskmelon is an important crop cultivated throughout India. In the above two rotations, Hybrid Napier may be planted from February end to June-July. But for the 1st time in India in 2020, the country is projected not to be able to meet increased milk demand. It normally grows in areas with rainfall >1,000 mm. About 1600 cuttings can be planted per acre. It should be followed by the top dressing of nitrogenous fertilizers at the rate of 100 kg nitrogen per hectare. The products are offered for your livestock, which includes the best range of nutrients needed for their daily diet and growth. Two sprays are enough to control these Sprayings should be done at least 30 days before cutting of fodder, If the planting is done in February March, the crop will be ready for the first cut by the. Sorghum-Sudan grass hybrids offer a solution to producing forage dry matter when an emergency occurs. In this way, irrigation can be more uniform. The crude protein content in the hybrid Napier grass is between 8 and 11 percent. Apply phosphorus and potash as per the soil at the time of sowing. A field of hybrid Bermuda grass that’s been happily feeding a Texas cattle rancher’s small herd for the past 15 years spontaneously started producing cyanide gas, killing 15 of his 18 cattle. Ideally, plants should be grown in an area with light showers and lots of bright sunshine. Planking should follow every ploughing. It is highly susceptible to frost and waterlogged conditions It may stand under drought conditions for a shorter spell and it regenerates in the rainy season. italica. ) Get Best Quote. Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited offers the product Hybrid Napier Grass COBN5, also known as Napier CO5 Forage, Silage, Root Slips for planting, Melia Dubia Saplings for plantation, Melia Dubia trees also called Malabar neem tree or malai vembu tree, & Moringa Oleifera Pods, and Leaves Balancing Sustainability, Design & Ecology. Consider drawbacks as well, Schnakenberg says. The resulting hybrid may favour either parent, so be sure to discuss what you want from the hybrid with your seed sales person. It makes great hay for horses, cattle, llamas, alpacas, etc. The cuttings will have two nodes. Hybrid Cumbu Napier grass CO(BN)5 ( Napier CO5 ) is a high-yield crop that is also fast growing. These data show that 20% hybrid rye can be included in a finishing cattle diet with minimal to no impact on cattle … (2) Hybrid Napier is intercropped with cowpea during Kharif and lucerne during Rabi. The chart identifies the six cross-breeding sequences of a three-breed cross after a full six-year cycle of breeding females to the breed of their great-grandsire. Napier grass, also known as elephant grass , is a plant native to the African continent. With the start of winter, the growth of Hybrid Napier is checked due to low temperature, particularly in the northern parts of India and hence berseem or lucerne may be planted to get forage during that period. Your email address will not be published. Prerequisites for Making the Silage. Compared to Napier grass, Hybrid Napier produces numerous leaves. Hybrid bermudagrass with improved productive capability and nutritive value has played an important role in livestock production across the southern US for nearly 60 years with the introduction of ‘Coastal’ in 1943. Due to ease of calving, hardiness, and dramatic hybrid vigor when crossed with other cattle, they are sometimes used in crossbreeding programs to produce efficient, hardy range cattle. The watermelon is a long-se... Cultivation of Hybrid Napier Grass for Cattle Feeds ; A full Guide of Information, Cultivation of Hybrid Napier Grass for Cattle Feeds; A full Guide of Information. CIN: U74999GJ2014PTC079284. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The hardy grass, known as VA-06, can be grown on infertile ground in rough They controlled by spraying Endosulfan 35 EC at the rate of 1.5-liter in 1000 liters of water per hectare. It was established approximately 15 years ago but this year mysteriously the grass started producing cyanide gas, poisoning and killing 15 of 18 cattle. Why Cumbu Napier Grass CO5 is a World Class Agricultural Product? It has the potential to cover the risk of dryl... Cultivation of Brussels Sprouts in India; A Full Information Guide Brussels sprouts ( Brassica oleracea L.Var. In the initial stage, intercultural operations are necessary to keep down while the grass is getting established. “At birth, heifer calves are tagged with an ear tag matching the color of the bar on the chart showing what breed of sire … it contains about 8.2% protein, 34% crude fiber, 10.5% ash with both calcium and in proper balance. Unlike other forms of cattle feed, farmers who plant superior Napier grass hybrids won’t have to keep buying concentrate feeds, which can harm their profits. Napier or elephant grass is a native of Rhodesia in South Africa, The name *Napier grass' is given in honor of Col. Napier, who first drew attention to the value of this grass as fodder. Get Best Quote. Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited, is an extremely sensitive company when it comes to its Intellectual Property Rights. Co5 & Co4 Hyprid Napier Grass Seeds. Give the first ploughing with a mould-board plough and subsequent two ploughings with a cultivator or harrow. Napier grasses will tolerate pH ranges between 5 and 8. On heavy soils, Brazos produces about as much dry matter as Coastal, but up to 20 percent less on sandy soils. Hills, Hilly, Sub Humid, and Sub Temperate India. This common bermuda grass seed is unhulled and coated for easier spreading and establishment. The land should be prepared well and should be free from weeds. It is used... Cultivation of Watermelon in India Watermelon ( Citrullus vulgaris Schard ) belongs to Cucurbitaceae family. The plants do best in the tropics, where the ideal temperature is around 31 degrees Celsius. where the climate is hot and dry. Cultivation of Hybrid Napier Grass for Cattle Feeds; A full Guide of Information Napier Grass or elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) belongs to the family Poaceae (alt. Bermudagrass is productive from spring until fall and is well-suited for grazing or hay production. It has constantly been 2 to 4 percentage points higher than Coastal in digestibility. Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited offers the product Hybrid Napier Grass COBN5, also known as Napier CO5 Forage, Silage, Root Slips for planting, Melia Dubia Saplings for plantation, Melia Dubia trees also called Malabar neem tree or malai vembu tree, & Moringa Oleifera Pods, and Leaves Balancing Sustainability, Design & Ecology. Farmers can obtain incredibly high yields if they plant the shoots in deep, fertile soil that is rich in organic materials and nutrients. Joined Feb 12, 2004 … The plants are vigorous and can be grown in a wide variety of soil types. When used in a management-intensive grazing system, keep bermuda post-grazing heights high and move cattle off pastures for rest periods. Hybrid Napier grasses are a significant part of sustainable agricultural practices and environmentally-friendly solutions. CO-4 grass is a hybrid developed by Tamil Nadu agricultural university in coimbatore. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hancock's Southeast Cattle Forage Fall & Winter Seed Mix. This is a very high yieding grass variety. Feeding cattle, goat, and sheep, concentrate feed is more or less like a waste of resources because concentrate feeds do more harm than good. If an irrigation facility can be used, planting can occur at any time. Our seasonal cattle forage blend is a great way to “beef” up your p... $139.99 50 lbs. During the rainy season after continuous rains, excess water from the field should be removed heavy and continuous rains excess water from as. It has larger leaves, softer and less persistent hairs of leaf blades and sheaths and less sharp leaf edges. Citation ILRI. NEW HYBRID GRASS. We are open to offer in countries like Brazil, India, China, United States, Ethiopia, Argentina, Sudan, Pakistan, Mexico, Australia, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Colombia, Nigeria, Russian Federation, France, Kenya, Indonesia, Venezuela, Myanmar, South Africa, Turkey, Paraguay, Uganda, Germany, Canada, Uruguay, Niger, New Zealand, Uzbekistan, Madagascar, Mali, United Kingdom, Burkina Faso, Bolivia, Iran, Chad, Nepal, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Spain, Peru, Afghanistan, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Ecuador, Guinea,Egypt, Somalia, Angola, Ukraine, Belarus, CAR, Cuba, Japan, Zambia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Senegal, Guatemala, South Korea, Chile, Morocco, Dominican Republic, Mongolia, Cambodia, Iraq, Honduras, Botswana, Philippines, Belgium, Azerbaijan, Namibia, Turkmenistan, Benin, Eritrea, Tajikistan, Romania, Austria, Algeria, Mauritania, Panama, Yemen, Lao People’s DR, Mozambique, Denmark, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Georgia, SAR, Serbia, Finland, El Salvador, Norway, Burundi, Hungary, Malaysia, Congo, Lithuania, Greece, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Armenia, Tunisia, Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Korea, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Albania, Israel, Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia, Gambia, Togo, Latvia, Puerto Rico, Oman, Bhutan, Congo, Fiji, Djibouti, Estonia, Macedonia, Libya, Luxembourg, Republic of Moldova, Vanuatu, Jamaica, Timor-Leste, Taiwan, Belize, Guyana, UAE, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Montenegro, Lebanon, Guadeloupe, Jordan, Iceland, Cyprus, Comoros, Suriname, Liberia, Gabon, Kuwait, Trinidad, Palestinian Territory, Reunion, Samoa, Cabo Verde, French Guiana, Martinique, Malta, Solomon Islands, Dominica, Micronesia, Tonga, Barbados, Qatar, Saint Lucia, Bahrain, Montserrat, Virgin Islands, French Polynesia, Mauritius, Saint Kitts, Liechtenstein, Equatorial Guinea, Antigua, Saint Vincent, Grenada, Falkland Islands, BVI, Faroe Islands, Cayman Islands,Hong Kong, Sao Tome, Brunei, Bahamas, Saint Helena, Netherlands, Bermuda, Seychelles, Singapore, Guam, Cook Islands, Niue, American Samoa, Wallis, Saint Pierre, Greenland Unlike many other plants that can be used as feed for camels, Napier grasses do not erode the soil. Add 15-20 tonnes of farmyard manure or compost to the soil at least one month before planting. Graze when 6 to 8 inches high and no lower than 3 to 4 inches, Schnakenberg says. This is for your knowledge and information that all videos displayed here belong to Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited. Napier grass yields about 1200-1500 quintals of green fodder annual basis under good crop management. Hybrid Napier Grass Plantation. A hybrid of African plant materials, Brazos has wider leaves, has thicker stems and rhizomes, and creates a more open sod than Coastal does. And the quality of the silage obtained from these crops can be improved by adding molasses, urea or forming acids. Sorghums are diverse but generally fall into the following categories: Any use without permission will lead to violation of copyright and other intellectual property rights of Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited. The first weeding will take place about 30 days after cuttings are planted, and fertilizer can be applied at this time. Triticale (a hybrid of rye and wheat) can also be used, but it is not as grazing-tolerant and offers no substantive advantage over rye or wheat. Cool conditions will severely limit productivity. For many years, Napier grass has been used as cattle feed, but it has its issues. Citation Truscott, D. R., & Currie, P. O. Based on performance from day 19 through day 117, performance-adjusted NE was calculated. Your email address will not be published. This website is updated and maintained by Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited. They are more efficient in water absorption because t… However, our works do not remain open for sharing for any purpose whatsoever and we encourage permissible/licensed use in all given circumstances. $139.99. Hybrid Napier COBN5 Root Slips for plantation, Hybrid Napier Grass CO(BN)5 Cultivation as a Sustainable Self Employment for Livestock Farming, Cultivating Hybrid Cumbu Napier Grass CO5 for Camel and Cattle Feed, Here’s What You Need to Know about Superior Napier Grass. In the 1750s, several superior hybrid varieties were developed via cross-breeding. Producers of Cattle Green Feed - Green Fodder CO5, CO4 - Hybrid Napier Grass offered by Lakshmi Integrated Dairy Farm, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Cuttings must be planted at a slant on the side of the ridge, and one node should be placed below the soil. Bermudagrass is a warm-season perennial grass … 75% of all rural households in India own at least two cattle, and sometimes up to four. Hybrids of Sorghum and Sudan grass are often used in Ontario. Cattle preferences for a hybrid grass: chemical and morpho- logicairelationships - DOREEN R. TRUSCOTT AM) PAT 0. Napier grass has large, juicy, and tasty leaves that animals love to eat. Required fields are marked *. Napier/elephant grass (Cenchrus purpureus and hybrids) for livestock feed. It can be grown in tropical and subtropical regions but it gives the best result under warm tropics. Cultivating Hybrid Cumbu Napier Grass CO (BN)5 ( Napier CO5 ) for Camel and Cattle Feed. king grass is easy to grown for your cattle វិធីដាំស្មៅឃីងក្រាស់ទំនាក់ទំនងទិញ 093955554 The plants don’t need much space to grow, and they can be harvested year-round multiple times. It’s possible to start with a first disc plow, and then two or three fork ploughings. These grazing guidelines are much higher for native grasses such as big bluestem. Hybrid Napier supplies fodder for four to five years. The product is 100% natural with no preservative, no additive, and just high natural nutrients. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI. They are warm season grasses, unlike most of our forage species which are cool season grasses. and Smith X Efyrrfg& reptws [L.] Bcauv. As such, Napier hybrid grass is planted and produced from stem cuttings or rooted slips. Crude protein ranges from 8 to 11%. This is a cross between Napier grass and Bajra cereal. It identifies in color-coded bars the breed of sire she should be bred to. The product is 100% natural with no preservative, no additive, and just high natural nutrients. were umed to evaluate the hrfluence of various chemical and mor- Get Best Price. Some prerequisites for making the silage for dairy cattle are mentioned below. At Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited, we believe that our mission is about more than just The Devon breed of cattle is considered by many to be the pinnacle of British beef. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Fork ploughings should be done to level the field and remove clods of soil or other organic matter. While camels and other lactating cattle can and often do in natural Napier grass, the plant leaves aren’t the most palatable meal they can have. NEW HYBRID GRASS. NB-21 and Pusa Giant varieties are better for intercropping. We believe in sharing the works that we have created that may benefit the awareness quotient at large. Cattle preferences for a hybrid grass: chemical and morphological relationships. Get Best Quote. Thread starter ronay0; Start date ... . We encourage taking permissions from us in case you want to use our videos. Napier grass does not like water-logged fields or places that are flood-prone. Farmers will need to clear the field of thorns, weeds, and other bushes before planting the Napier grass cuttings. Gramineae) It is a perennial grass that provides and palatable green fodder year-round it is also as Uganda grass. Soil for Cumbu Napier CO (BN) 5 ( Napier CO5 ) Grass cultivation, Preparing the Land for Hybrid Napier CO (BN) 5 ( Napier CO5 ), Planting Hybrid Napier CO(BN)5 ( Napier CO5 ). Uses of Napier grass: Napier grass is mainly used as a fodder crop. Thread starter ronay0; Start date Jan 22, 2012; Help Support CattleToday: R. ronay0 Active member. Manure can be applied before ridges are formed for plantings. Two to three weedings have controlled the weeds. It possesses more tillers and leaves than Napier grass and is more vigorous and higher in fodder yield and quality. Grasses, Pastures and Hay . Green Fodder CO5, CO4 - Hybrid Napier Grass. The reasons for this are numerous, but shrinking land for cattle feed production is a primary culprit. Scrfbn. Earlier planting is better to get me timely production but it needs assured irrigation. The earth around the stems should be packed tightly so the roots can become well established. Napier grass, also known as elephant grass, is a plant native to the African continent. Bermuda grass is common in the South, and University of Florida foraging expert Glen Burton consider it an excellent crop for achieving high yields, especially in dairy operations. CURBIE AbStnCt Forty-six clonal lines of a hybrid croati between Pseudoroegneria spicata [pursb.] Later the plot would need irrigations at intervals of a fortnight or so, depending on rainfall and other seasonal conditions. (1989). As a matter of policy, Rivashaa Agrotech Biopharma Private Limited does not entertain any anonymous or pseudonymous inquiries. The following cropping patterns involving hybrid Napier much use for a wide range of climatic conditions. It produces the best growth between 25 and 40°C, and little growth below about 15°C. With proper care, you would be able to harvest around 150 tonnes per year per acre. When appropriately watered, the plants will produce high yields. 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